About Us
Rat Stash is and forever will be a company that supports the rights of
all animals, big & small. Donations, volunteer work with local and
not-so-local rescues and word of mouth advocacy are very important to
me. I believe that rescues make the best pets - please adopt, don't buy,
and opt for the less adoptables at every chance you get. If you can't
adopt, please foster. If you can't foster, please volunteer. If you
can't volunteer, spread the word and spread it loud.
was the child who cried when someone kicked a dog, who mourned for each
animal and wanted them to be happy. As an adult, the core of who I am
has not changed, I've just gained more insight into the ways of the
world and that small child within me cries out for a change for these
animals, and at the barest minimum cannot bear to be a part of such
needless suffering. I don't want animals to be treated so callously and I
certainly don't want to become desensitized to their suffering for the
sake of a meal, a leather belt, some great line of cosmetics or a better
household cleaner. I believe I came into this world with the correct
frame of heart, and I'd like to leave this world knowing I carried it
with me all these years.